Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Work in Progress

I decided today that I had to practice my trumpet because of how little work I have put into this project, and so I practiced all of my scales for some amount of time, however long it was. I played major scales, minor scales, 7 scales, and major 7 and minor 7 arpeggios in all twelve keys.
I quickly found out that my grid sheets were of no help. Their intended use is as a tool, a sort of reference sheet in case I get disconcerted, but I found myself using them to read what I am supposed to play without actually learning. In theory, I should be able to think through the grey areas, but in practice, I just read off my sheets. I put them away, and so I worked slower, having to think very carefully through each scale, but truthfully it just made my head hurt more.
While playing through all the scales, I found to my surprise that I had forgotten some very important scales: Jazz Scales. I wrote up a grid for all twelve of them and included it here.

1 comment:

  1. Another thought would be to concentrate on blues scales. Trying to memorize all the other scales at one time can be daunting!
